25 June, 2024

Website Audit Essentials: Get Your Site on the Right Track

What is a Website Audit?

Performing a website audit is the same as giving your website a health check. It evaluates the performance of your site, taking into account factors such as speed, user-friendliness, and its visibility in search results. Conducting an exhaustive site audit reveals how effective your website is in these aspects and identifies any issues that require resolution. For a more comprehensive review, IT Consultancy can offer additional insights and expertise.

Types Of Website Audit

General SEO Audit

Reviews how optimized your site is for search engines.

Content SEO Audit

Examines content quality and uncovers missing elements.

Technical SEO Audit

Identifies backend and technical issues on your site.

Performance Audit

Analyzes page performance, load durations, and Core Web Vitals.

User Experience (UX) Audit

Examines user experience and the usability of your site, including navigation and design.

Happy Users, Happy Business

Benefits of Website Audits

A website audit offers so many benefits that are important for a healthy and efficient online presence. It provides valuable insights into various areas of your site's performance, such as SEO, content quality, technical issues, and user experience. By identifying both strengths and weaknesses, a website audit helps you make informed decisions for improvements.

Knowing the importance of website audits, you're likely questioning how often they should be performed?

The common advice is to conduct a complete audit for smaller websites at least once a year. Larger websites, with huge traffic and numerous pages, may need to be audited more often—possibly up to two or three times each year.

How To Run Website Audit

Check website performance & loading speed

Analyzing your website's loading speed is necessary for improving user satisfaction. Tools like Page Speed Insight helps to measure load times across different devices browsers, and also provides areas of improvement to boost speed and retain visitors.

Look at on-page SEO optimizations

Checking SEO elements on your website ensures each page is optimized to rank well and attract clicks from search engine results. Review titles, meta descriptions, and headers to make sure they have relevant keywords and the content is aligned with user intent.

Review content quality and identify gaps

Reviewing the quality, relevance, and engagement of content helps to maintain a website's credibility. To Identify outdated content, better formatting, & fill gaps by researching relevant keywords attracts targeted visitors.

Detect technical SEO issues

Make use of resources such as Google Search Console to quickly fix problems like broken links and repeated content. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly on various devices to improve user experience and rank high in search engines.

Assess user experience

Collecting feedback and conducting usability tests provides valuable insights for user satisfaction with the website. It involves checking site navigation ease, design consistency, and content clarity to ensure information is easily accessible.

Test website accessibility

Checking your website's accessibility confirms that everyone can easily use and navigate your site. This means making sure all elements are clear and easy to understand, with enough contrast for readability, so that your site meets WCAG guidelines.

Website Audit Made Easy: Your Free Checklist

  • Review page load speed of the website and images.
  • Review organic traffic SEO (Permission to index, plugins and more)
  • Research content gap opportunities analyse competitor sites.
  • Remove low quality content from Google's index and fix any indexing issues.
  • Review structured data and snippets.

Ready to Take Your Website to the Next Level?

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